Boston Vacation         10th of June to 24th June 2018

Monday 11 June 2018

Old Town & Boston Common area

We set off from the hotel about 10am, we didn't have much planned for today, it always takes us a bit of time to get over the flight from the day before. The Green Line subway station is only a 5-minute walk and even though it's only a couple of stops it's better than walking. 

We had planned breakfast at Dunkin Donuts, which from now on will be called Dunkies, unfortunately, it was closed for a refit but like rats, you're never that far from Dunkies. One of my favourites is the sausage, egg, and ham and at $3.80 you can't complain, wash that down with a coffee and that's me set up for the next few hours.

Next we had a walk around one of the oldest bits of town, by now it was starting to get warm and that makes you thirsty so dropped into the Beantown pub, given the area that's in I thought it would be more expensive than it was but $10 for a couple drinks isn't bad around here. 

After 40 minutes in there, we crossed the road to the Old burying ground then down onto the common which contains a few famous people from history.

We headed through the common taking in some of the sites and round into Beacon Hill to have look at the old buildings finally coming out back at the common by the Cheers Bar that was on TV. They actually only ever used the shot from the outside and all rest was filmed elsewhere, so it doesn't look anything like it did on television inside but we didn't bother going in as its down a flight of steep steps and no good for Jane.

We then headed back across the common and we were almost back where we started so decided to drop the wheely back in the hotel then got on the subway again, unfortunately, we should have got off the stop before but this gave the chance to have an ice cream in MacDonald's.

Now it was time for beer, I'd spotted The Tam by pure chance on Google Maps and I  do like a good dive bar. At $6 for a pint, it's not overpriced for the area you are in so we stayed for a couple of drinks.

By now it was 6 o'clock so headed round to Jimmy John's sandwich shop for a couple of subs. It's only a short walk from here back to the hotel so I dropped to put the subs back into our fridge at the hotel, then caught the number 9 bus for a 15 minute ride to South Boston & Urban Foodie supermarket which is conveniently located next a liquor store and it would be rude not to stock up on booze. This place isn't the best part of town, but the bus ride could have been a lot worse I suppose. 

We were back at the hotel by about 7:30 which was later than planned.

Maps are interactive apart from transit stops, which are not compatible with embedded Google maps.