Boston Vacation         10th of June to 24th June 2018

Sunday 24 June 2018

Back home

There's always a downside to things and that was the flight back was with Virgin Atlantic which is always a pile of poop. They pack you tight in there and it doesn't help when people put the seats back, at least we only had to suffer it for 6 hours. The TV's on the back of the seats are crap, not that there was much to watch, the food is crap and if we would have had any other choice we would have taken it.

A few months ago I bought a what's called a file hub, which creates its own WiFi so you can stream movies and TV shows you have downloaded to a memory stick, you can then log in via your tablet or phone and stream your entertainment from there so I ended up watching TV that way, well worth £40. 

We landed on time at 9.40am and got through the airport fairly quickly to the taxi we had booked so was home for midday. The wheely and the bags seemed to have survived this trip despite the TSA did cut the lock of one after we had checked it in but that happens from time to time. 

So after 13 days in Boston, we had high temperatures of 30 centigrade and only a couple of showers. We also got good value out of the Charlie Card making over 100+ subway trips, although some were interlinking trips so it would only count as one fare, 8 buses, 2 commuter rail, and 1 ferry we did have to pay extra for the ferry and commuter rail. 

The hotel was ok, but I'm not sure about 4-star ones, it's just too upmarket for us, although they were nice and large rooms with a wet room. All in all, I think we both enjoyed Boston and eating Dunkies but I don't see us coming back any time soon, in fact, this was all a bit last minute as we had planned on going to Philly but due to the price wasn't able to, that's for next year though. Boston was much like Chicago, you could see it all in 7 days I suppose, but given my age and lady Jane's mobility, it takes us longer to get around. I have to book 2 days extra off work just to get over the flight now. 

So thanks for reading until next time in Philly or wherever. 
Con & Lady J.

Saturday 23 June 2018

Adios Boston

Today is the day to leave The Park Plaza Hotel. Checkout time was 12pm but our flight isn't until 10pm so there is a was bit of time to kill so hung around in the lobby to use the free Wi-Fi. When we booked this holiday I found out that the hotel charged at $75 per night security deposit so at 13 nights that was $975 which we put onto a prepaid credit card, I even emailed them as some hotels max out the deposit at around $300 to $500 but they claimed that the full amount would be taken then refunded when we left, as it turned out they only took $300 so ended up drawing most of it out via cash machines as if we got it converted back in the UK then lose money with the conversion rate, if they had told me what would have happened then I wouldn't have put as much on it but it will get used next time I suppose. 
Then we got a train one stop down to Dunkies for something to eat, which is a bit if the pain in the arse as most don't have much seating so had to walk further than planned.
Next, it was back on a train one stop to where we started for ice cream from the van near the hotel. By now it has started to drizzle and gone really cold, so back on the train to Government Square, then the Blue line to the airport then a shuttle bus to the terminal. It was still only 4pm now and the flight leaves at 10pm so it was in the pub for a couple of drinks by then it was check-in time which took forever but at least the security check went smoothly. 
After a something to eat and a late night video call to mother is was back to the pub for a couple of more drinks. I think I might be making pee pee a lot on this flight. Just looked at the seating plan and now I know why they said we could get on first because we are sitting right in back, maybe. 

Friday 22 June 2018

Bunker Hill

We had even less planned for today as it's time to start winding down, there will be almost 10 hours between checking out of the hotel leaving them on the plane. 
It's the last day and all that we had left planned for today was a trip to Bunker Hill, where 1000's were killed at the start of the Revolutionary War with the English. 

This one was of the few occasions that we caught a bus, but still had a bit of a walk up the hill to the museum and monument on the other side of the road. The museum is only small but tells the story of what happened here with a display that lights up as it explains how the battles were fought around here. This is also where you get your free tickets to climb the Bunker Hill Monument across the road. 

Tickets are by timed entry and we didn't get much time to get out of the museum, across the road and up the hill to the bottom of the monument, 5 minutes wasn't really enough as it's a steep hill. It was only me who got a ticket as there was no way Jane would make it to the top, there's no lift inside just a spiral staircase of 297 steps. I thought it was 236 steps, but sadly not so, by the time I got to the top even with stopping a few times I was almost dead.

It was worth the climb though, and as it was a clear day you could see for miles. The only downside is there's not a lot of room at the top at about 12 feet by 12 with only 4 small windows to look out of so it can get a bit crowded with more than about 10 people who don't like moving from the windows even though they are only sending text messages. After about 10 or 20 minutes at the top, it was time for me and my jelly legs to walk back down and to where I had left Jane.

From there we retraced our steps, stopping at the ice cream van then round to the Maritime Park. Even I'm though into maritime history I'm glad we came here as I found another pocket watch, I've started collecting these from the cities that we visit and this is my third one in the series, they're not cheap but I like them. The other reason to come through this way was to get the ferry back rather catch the bus and 2 trains, it was worth $3.50 for the 10-minute ride across the harbour.

We had planned on going for a drink, but it's Friday afternoon and it all goes a bit manic in the pubs here so give up on that idea and got the train to Whole Foods where I had seen some lovely cooked hot sausages yesterday, sods law says that today there was none left but I did get a nice bag from there so not a wasted trip. 

Then it was back on the subway and change to the Green Line. Luckily we only had to go one stop as it's always packed at this time of day, then went to MacDonald's for something to eat. Neither of us wanted to get back on the train, even for a couple stops so walked back through the common which was a much better idea. 

We got to the hotel at about 6:10 which was about an hour later than I had planned. 

Thursday 21 June 2018

Wonderland wander

We didn't have much planned for today as we have done most of the things we wanted to do by so just had a trip to Wonderland which is about 25 minutes on a couple of trains. 

Wonderland and the town of Revere are only small but it does have a fantastic clean beach and a warm day like today it was nice to stroll along the seafront and be away from the crowds of the city. Even though it was a hot day there was hardly any people here. 

We decided on coming here late last night so I hadn't planned on where to have something to eat, but we did come across the Bagel Bin Deli dinner and the scrambled egg, fried potato, and sausages with a coffee went down a treat. Then it was time to walk it off around the very few shops that are here, this is a place you wouldn't want to be in the winter and probably even less at night. Then it was back on the train to Copley Square in the city before the afternoon rush started, by 4:30 the Green Line is absolutely packed out and not a pleasant place to be. The only reason to get off at Copley was to buy a Boston hoodie from 7-Eleven, this is something I get from every city we come to so couldn't leave without one. They had them in other places, but at $35 that's more than I wanted to pay, as luck would have it they were identical to the one I got. 
We were back at the hotel by 4:30 we were worn out by now. 

Tonight's photo walk took me down to Fan Pier, it's a bit lively down here after dark with lots of bars so didn't hang around too long as by now it was 9:30 but I did get a few good photos of the city skyline at night, this is one of the most famous views of Boston at night.

Wednesday 20 June 2018


Today's photos (1 new video)
Today we went further afield to Salem on the commuter Rail so it was a short trip on the subway to North Station, then headed round into to the upper level and get the tickets. Salem is about a 35-minute ride and on a mixed single and double-decker train, at $15 return it's not bad value, unfortunately even though this is run by the same company that runs the subway service you can't use your Charlie Card on these it has to be a Charlie Ticket. As far as train travel goes they are fairly comfortable and what is really helpful is that they fit the platform, even on a curve, they also have free WiFi. 

Salem is famous for the witch trials where 20 women were executed back in 1692/3 by mad English aristocrats who ruled by fear. Most of the place now has turned into an overpriced visitor attraction, but it does give you a chance to escape the city for a bit and resembles being in a country town. 

We didn't get here until 11 and planned on getting the 4.10 train back and that was plenty of time to go around the town, we had a beer in the pub and a cheesy hot dog with baked beans in molasses that made Boston famous (hence the name Beantown), they sort of look like baked beans in curry but taste nothing like it, they were yummy and $10 for 2 meals is good value.  

So after a look around the shops, I got myself a T-shirt that Jane thinks is very fitting for me before we walked back to the station. It would appear I may have turned into a bit of a train nerd as well now (sigh) so did some videos of them going in the opposite direction while we waited for our train that was 20 minutes late. Salem is an odd station because even though it's a commuter town there is only line that trains use in both directions. The only reason we wanted to leave at 4.10 was to avoid the rush hour back in the city, but with the train being 20 minutes late, we ended up crammed on a very packed Green Line subway train. 

The humidity is still really high even though the temperature has gone down a bit, luckily there is an ice cream van parked up by Boston Common where we come out of the subway station so we indulged in one each.

And the night got lively when the fire alarm went off, but it was a false alarm, somebody smoking apparently then someone else pulled the fire alarm, they only cleared out the rooms but not the building.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Chill out day

We didn't really do anything today apart from having a walk around then go the Beantown Pub for a couple of drinks, it all catches up with after a bit. It didn't help that Google Maps went wonky and I forgot the paper version, so give up on today as it would be too late to get where we needed to be, no matter there's still plenty of time to get everything done. 

From the pub we got the subway to Popeye's Chicken for something to eat, 5pm is not the best place to be when on the T so the train was jam-packed, we even let 4 go in front because there was no room to get on, at least they are every few minutes so it's not worth cramming on one but Popeye's is worth the wait. We tried one these in Chicago and it was rubbish, it was as if the chicken had been boiled for a week, but here it is what you expect it to be. The only downside is that is was down a flight of steps and as it's a franchise the company they are not too bothered about fixing the disability access lift so we had to use the Stairs on both occasions, it was still nice food though.

So after chicken, it was back to the hotel after a swift stop in 7-Eleven to get some chocolate Ding-Dongs.

Monday 18 June 2018

New England Aquarium

Today's photos (1 new on the video page)
As predicted today was hot, but the worst bit is the humidity, I struggle with that so all that was planned for today was the New England Aquarium, you know it's going to be in an air-conditioned building. It's only about a 20 minute ride on a couple of subway trains and then a short walk from the station, but at $28 each it's on the expense side, I think, and although it's good to see all the fish, but it's probably not worth  paying that much to go in, we did get to stroke the Mantra Ray's in the touch tank and they feel like a cross between something silky and slimy at the same time, they also seem to enjoy a tickle on the back. You're not allowed to touch the ones in the Blue Reef in Southsea but is actively encouraged here along with the Star Fish & Sponges. I think we spent about 3 and a half hours in there, then come out, but that's when the heat met you so got a giant big double gulp from 7-Eleven and sat by Rings Fountain and watched people getting soggy in the heat. 

Then it was time for the pub so went to Coogan's  Bar just across the street and down a side street. We were going to come in the on Saturday, but it's World Cup on the TV so it was packed with the typical type in the pub who so scream at a TV screen. 
Today though was better, no sport apart from some replays of the baseball and at $5.25 a pint you can't complain. After spending some time on the free WiFi it was a good opportunity to see if City Mapper could work offline. It was difficult to work, how to use it when you don't get many opportunities and it doesn't get any better when you are offline and underground, although it does claim to be able to work this stuff out but not in this city. At least it saves the map, stations and where to change trains for you. After a quick trip to the liquor store, it was back to the hotel. 

So I'm sitting in the lobby now on the laptop and I just noticed out of the window that's there is some super heavy rain at the moment, but the temperature hasn't gone down any, I'm sure it won't last long though as I want to go for a stroll in around 8 pm. 

Sunday 17 June 2018

Old Town

Todays photos
It's Sunday and Sunday is a lazy day so all as we had planned was a ride down to the oldest bit of Boston and the Quincy Market area, the weather has gone really today and tomorrow is going to be even hotter or so they say on the weather, I don't mind the heat it's the humidity that gets to me. Also today is Fathers Day so there's a lot going on around here.
.We got off the train at Haymarket station the headed into Boston Public Market, which is a large indoor food hall that sells just about everything you can eat, then took a short walk round the corner to The Bell In Hand Tavern which is reputed to be the oldest pub in the USA. Although it's only a short street its on it reminded me of being York or somewhere like that with lots of little shops selling mainly overpriced items, but this is where you would find the unique souvenirs that I’m so fond of. It was time to have a beer in the pub, unfortunately the world cup is at the moment, but lucky for us became of the time difference between Russia and the USA its not started or going off when we go to the pub, I really don't like football. I really don't know how the price of drinks work in here as they seem to go up as the day progresses, this was our first visit in here today but more on that later.

After 2 large beers in The Bell we took a walk round in the Quincy Market area where I was taking photographs the previous night, there was a lot going on round here today as today was Father's Day. The first thing we came across was a group of break dancers who also put some comedy into the show they were doing, as well as getting the audience involved, I'm not sure how long they had been performing before we got there, but we spent about 10 minutes or more watching the end of the show which couldn't have been easy to do in this heat.

It was great to just wander round this old area of town and imagine what it must have been like 200 years ago before going into Faneuil Hall Marketplace which is mainly fast food with a few restaurants as well.  It was between here that we came across some break dancers who also put a lot of comedy into their show. Slightly further down was Pogo Fred, who managed to do a backwards flip on a pogo stick without breaking his neck. Just across the way from there is the Great Hall, which contains mainly gift items now, but also has historic items on display as well.

We stopped off again at The Bell in Hand on the way back pasted and it was $9 for a large IPA and coke, then it was $12 for an IPA and orange juice and finally $9 for just an IPA. We don't normally spend that long in one pub anyway and today was only a chill out day anyway. There are lots of places to eat around, but you can never really find what you want so ended up with a slice of pizza. On the way back we dropped into Boston Public Market, which is a large food hall, but still had no joy with something to eat, the only thing we got was a tote bag for a dollar, I do like a good tote bag with a logo on it.

Saturday 16 June 2018

South Boston

Today's photos (1 new on the video page)
The heat has gone up 29 centigrade today and the humidity gone up with it so we weren't planning on much today. 
As always this started with us getting on the Green Line to Park then a Red Line to South Station, which is like a mini version of Grand Central in NYC. The subway stations are really hot, but the air conditioning on the train is really good, but once you exit the station you could feel how hot it had gotten outside in the 30 minutes we had been underground.

Luckily it was only a short walk to the Boston Fire Museum, which is free to go in and housed in an old fire station. There's not a lot in here but what they have got is interesting to see with a collection of pumps from 1800 onwards. I think the only downside to coming here was that it's only open on a Saturday and there was a kids party going on as well but at least it was free. 
After spending about 40 minutes in there we headed back the way we came stopping off in Dunkies for a sausage and egg muffin. They should do a loyalty card or something like that. 

The only other thing that we had planned for today was to head to what is Boston's only beach at Fort Independence so got back on the subway for one stop, then spent 20 minutes waiting for a number 9 bus, it doesn't really help when the only way you know your at a bus stop is that there is a letter T stuck on pole, but no numbers and definitely no real timing here, even though there is one for the subway station that we were stood outside of, this is the main interchange for South Boston and everything around here is buses whereas in the city buses are few and far between, everything is subway. 

At least we were in the shade so it could have been worse I suppose. It was only about a 20-minute ride, then a 10-minute walk until you get to the fort. What they didn't mention on the website is that entry is by tour only and it was 30 minutes before the next one started and I really couldn't be bothered waiting even though it is free. As today was a chill out we only planned on walking around what is a circular basin connected by footbridges so strolled around there taking in the sea breeze, it was good to escape the heat in the city for a while. What I had planned was to walk all the way around then head through some of the side streets to the Tavern on L street, but it was just too hot for that as well as being further from the bus stop back so ended up staying around here and having a burger. One other thing that this place is good for is watching the aircraft land at Longan international. Most were a bit far away to start with but then the flight path changed and they were coming straight over us at about 1000 feet up. Something I've not been this close before. With that it's time to get the bus back into Copley Square in the city, go in the shop to get some beer then one stop on the subway back to the hotel.

There was even time for a night walk to take some photos around the aquarium, I'm not sure where all the time went, but I was sitting on the subway station at 10:30pm, Quincy Market looks like a good place to eat in the evening. The subway back was what you expect at 10:30pm, there are very odd people on public transport.

Friday 15 June 2018

North End

Today's photos (2 new on the video page)
We had planned on going to the aquarium today, but by the time we got down there it was lunchtime and the queue was fairly long so decided to do that another day. There were still some other places to go round here so had some lunch, then walked along the harbour and across to the river, then back to the harbour again, this took in most of the main sights on the Freedom Trail.

Going out every day starts to catch up with us after a few days so decided to have a short day so got the subway back to Park Street and had a drink in the pub. It's not the best area around Park Street Station even though it's one of the main tourist spots and this seems to attract all the odd and homeless people. From there it was a short walk to Jimmy John's for a sandwich, then back to the hotel for 5:30. Six hours out are enough for us today.

I also got my Dunkies loyalty card, I can put that to good use.

Thursday 14 June 2018


We didn't have much planned for today apart from a trip to Harvard, it's only about a 20-minute ride on a couple of subway trains so set off about 10:15. Harvard is the posh part of Cambridge so most places are overpriced, but they do have a natural history museum there that's only $12 and this also gets you into the Peabody museum next door. It was a bit of a walk to get there, but it was a nice sunny day unless I put my sunglasses on then it went in. We spent 2 hours in there, then took a stroll back through Harvard Yard then dropped into a pub called Cambridge 1. 

The beer was good, but at $9 a pint you only have one in here. We then had to walk around the shops and had some ice cream at Ben and Jerry's. I'm glad we came to this food court as they had free WiFi and by now it was about 4:45 so we were getting hungry as well as thirsty, so a quick check on Google maps and we found a pub called Grendel's Den and is in the basement of a building not too far away.

It turns out that after 5pm all food was half price so we had a couple of drinks, then ordered a couple of turkey burgers, Jane forgot that chips here are crisps so ended up with them and not fries. Ha. At least we got the $9 dollar discount on the food so one turkey burger was free. It was only a short walk back to the subway so was back on the train by about 5:30.

Harvard is a strange place for public transport as even the buses are underground next to the subway, considering that these are diesel buses you can imagine how loud that can get. I even found my Dunkies mug today for $10 which will keep my beer cold.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Back Bay

Today's photos
We set off this morning at 10 again and headed down to Target superstore via the Green Line, I could spend all day in here, they have everything you could ever want, then on to Fenway Park and the Red Sox baseball team store. Most things are overpriced here, but it's good to look at the stuff and I got a massive carrier bag for a pen!

We had planned on going in the pub across from the ballpark, but napkins on the tables tend to put me off, far too upmarket for us, we are only used to places that have the seats screwed to the floor and you don't sit near the window in case a drive-by shooting happens.

Now it was around midday and only a short walk from here is Popeye's Chicken which, when done right is awesome and at $14 it was a good feed. Then back onto the Green Line one stop to Boston Public Library and the Prudential shopping mall which has a Microsoft store and I do like my tech so I was like a kid in a candy shop looking at all the cool stuff that's way out of my price range. We had planned on going up the Skywalk tower, but at $20 each and what was now a cloudy day and starting to rain so decided it probably wasn't the day for it today, but it's not far to come back to but at only 57 floors up it's a bit on the pricey side.

After swift scoot round there we walked down to the Charles River and that's when it rained. It was forecast, but there's no point in taking a coat when it's so warm and humid so plodded on along the taking shelter when it got heavy at times.

The plan now when we ended up back at the common was to get the subway one stop but it was much better just walk through the common than down a street to The Tam Bar as there is no elevator at the Bolyston stop.

I like The Tam, it's not a poncey pub, it's what you expect a US bar to be so had a
couple in there and admired the way people had spent time colouring in the beer mats, they then put on the wall. Some had spent a lot of time on these using glue and glitter, I wonder if they took them home and did it there or in the pub?

It's only a short walk from there to Jimmy John's for a couple of subs then back to the hotel. Today was a lot of walking, but it had been a good day.

Tuesday 12 June 2018

East Cambridge

Today's photos
Neither of us woke up this morning until 9:45 so it was a late start for us.

First on the agenda was brunch at Bruegger's that we passed yesterday, unfortunately, this turned out to harder to get back to as all Green line trains weren't running due to a faulty overhead wire so we had to walk to the Orange line then got off at the wrong stop. We finally got to where we needed to be but by now it was 12 o'clock. 

When brunch was over with the trains were running again so it was back to the Orange line, then change to the Green to Science Park. It's always a bit of a nightmare changing trains underground, a bit like being in a rabbit warren. 

Eventually, we got back on the Green line and headed out to the Cambridge side shopping mall, I wanted to look at Best Buy at the tech, sad I know. From there it was a short walk to Toscanini's ice cream parlour, by now the temperature was 27c at 3pm, then it was a walk of about a mile to the Kendel Center Roof Top Garden which is an urban green space on the top floor a multistory car park where they grow flowers and vegetables. It's an ideal place to sit a soak up the sun for a while, even if it was a bit of a slog to get here. 

It was time now to head around the corner to catch the Red line back into the city which means time for a pub and something to eat. So the transit frustration continues with a broken train causing delays and even though we didn't have long to wait it was a squeeze to get on, thankfully we were only going 2 stops or about 3 miles. 

We were getting hungry now, instead of changing trains we come out of the station and went to the Beantown Pub got Mac and cheese, thinking about it, we should have just got one between us but you live and learn I suppose. 
We finally got back to the hotel about 6pm so it wasn't too long a day. I think we have both recovered now from lack of sleep travelling here. There's isn't many photos from today as we were just chilling out.

Monday 11 June 2018

Old Town & Boston Common area

We set off from the hotel about 10am, we didn't have much planned for today, it always takes us a bit of time to get over the flight from the day before. The Green Line subway station is only a 5-minute walk and even though it's only a couple of stops it's better than walking. 

We had planned breakfast at Dunkin Donuts, which from now on will be called Dunkies, unfortunately, it was closed for a refit but like rats, you're never that far from Dunkies. One of my favourites is the sausage, egg, and ham and at $3.80 you can't complain, wash that down with a coffee and that's me set up for the next few hours.

Next we had a walk around one of the oldest bits of town, by now it was starting to get warm and that makes you thirsty so dropped into the Beantown pub, given the area that's in I thought it would be more expensive than it was but $10 for a couple drinks isn't bad around here. 

After 40 minutes in there, we crossed the road to the Old burying ground then down onto the common which contains a few famous people from history.

We headed through the common taking in some of the sites and round into Beacon Hill to have look at the old buildings finally coming out back at the common by the Cheers Bar that was on TV. They actually only ever used the shot from the outside and all rest was filmed elsewhere, so it doesn't look anything like it did on television inside but we didn't bother going in as its down a flight of steep steps and no good for Jane.

We then headed back across the common and we were almost back where we started so decided to drop the wheely back in the hotel then got on the subway again, unfortunately, we should have got off the stop before but this gave the chance to have an ice cream in MacDonald's.

Now it was time for beer, I'd spotted The Tam by pure chance on Google Maps and I  do like a good dive bar. At $6 for a pint, it's not overpriced for the area you are in so we stayed for a couple of drinks.

By now it was 6 o'clock so headed round to Jimmy John's sandwich shop for a couple of subs. It's only a short walk from here back to the hotel so I dropped to put the subs back into our fridge at the hotel, then caught the number 9 bus for a 15 minute ride to South Boston & Urban Foodie supermarket which is conveniently located next a liquor store and it would be rude not to stock up on booze. This place isn't the best part of town, but the bus ride could have been a lot worse I suppose. 

We were back at the hotel by about 7:30 which was later than planned.

Maps are interactive apart from transit stops, which are not compatible with embedded Google maps.

Sunday 10 June 2018

We arrived

Today's photos
We beat our record as well today from getting from the aircraft door to waiting for public transport, today we achieved it in 30 minutes, having a wheelchair with you can have its advantages at times.

There is a shuttle bus from the arrivals to Airport Subway Station and it's only a 5 minute ride or so, then into the station to get a Charlie Ticket which is basically your single or return ticket depending on how much you put on it, you can also add week passes to these but they are so flimsy there probably not going to last a week but you have to have these for the ferries. The other one that they do just to confuse you is called a Charlie Card which is a plastic card for single, return and weekly passes, but is only sold at a limited amount of subway stations, you can see how this could get confusing, it also gives you slightly cheaper rides per trip.

We got the Blue Line 4 stops, then changed to Green line which resembles the old streetcars. This wasn't a pleasant experience as they were all packed even after letting a couple go passed so ended squeezed in there for 3 stops. Arlington station is just around the corner from the hotel, but check-in wasn't until 3pm and it was only 1pm at the moment, so had a stroll down the road and got a burger.

We walked back to the hotel for 3 and checked in that's when they said you don't get free WiFi in the room only in the lobby, which is a bit of a pain in the arse, but that seems to be the way in posh hotels, they did upgrade the room for us so we have lots of space and a walk-in shower.

By now, it was 4pm and time to go out for a wander around and get some drink to put on the fridge. It's a really warm afternoon and we're both knackered so wasn't out long, we got the Charlie Cards from the subway across the road from the hotel, at $21.25 for 7 days unlimited on all bus, subway zone 1A commuter trains, then caught the train one stop to Copley Square to get some bits from CVS and the liquor store before heading back pasted where the Boston Marathon finish line is and is kept in place all year round. We also pasted were both bombs exploded just over 5 years ago, they still haven't put in a memorial and the only thing that marks the spot is 2 bits of the sidewalk that curve out into the road, apparently, this is where they will eventually be placed.

We were back at the hotel by 7 but we have been on the go now for nearly 20 hours so until tomorrow, laters.

Maps are interactive apart from transit stops, which are not compatible with embedded Google maps.


The flight took off at 10am and by 10:30 we were at 34,000 feet and travelling at 517 miles an hour. Now it was time for the refreshment trolley to make it's the first trip along the plane so I availed myself of the free beer that was on offer as it would be awfully rude not to. There is supposed to be free WIFI on here, but I couldn't seem to get it to work even though I can connect to it. It was the same at the airport so I don't know if I was doing something wrong or the phone just doesn't like it, but I had no problem last time, I'm sure I can live without the web for a while anyway although I do have other devices I can try.

I smell lunch, time for a swift beer before they serve lunch, normally this is the worst part of any of the flights we have been on but today we were in for a surprise. Jane had the chicken risotto and I had the pasta and both were actually really good, even the chocolate moose wasn't frozen solid, and the knives and forks are good quality. Nothing like eating lunch at 36,000 feet doing 530 miles an hour. We still have about 5 hours to go, but a full belly makes it better.

After much trying I've finally got the Internet to work and although it takes a long time for things to happen, it's working and Facebook, as well as Messenger, doesn't require you to buy any airtime.
Just when things were getting boring someone opened the overhead compartment and the hinge broke so it's hanging down in the aisle now, there are 6 people involved in trying to fix it after they managed to get all the stuff out that was in there. What they need is an engineer on the plane or somebody with a load of the things that you put the weekly tickets, bus tickets in at work they can stick anything to anything. Still, it was interesting to watch while I was eating my ice cream.

Starting drag now, but there is only a couple of hours to go, no chance of getting any sleep on here but tried to have a nap anyway. Hopefully, they will come round with some beer and snacks again soon, by the time that is over with we should be almost ready to land. I suppose it could be worse, if you are heading to San Francisco then we would still have 7 hours to go.

They finally came round with the snacks which were cheese and turkey croissant and that was nice as well, either the food has gotten better or maybe it's just Delta, we will find out on the way back as that flight is with Virgin Atlantic. There are only 260 miles to go now so it's a mad rush for them to collect everything up, I can't help thinking why they don't come round a bit sooner so you don't have to shovel it down your neck like a seagull at Blackpool. Hopefully, they remembered to put the wheelchair on the plane when left because it's normally a 5-mile hike to customs. The landing went ok and the overhead bin that broke stayed in place, but another bit of the interior came off when we hit the runway, it's OK if bits fall off inside but not outside of the plane.
Hopefully, it won't be too much hassle getting on the shuttle bus to the subway station then 2 trains into the city. That's for the next post though.

Saturday 9 June 2018

Time to go

OMG, it's early, hopefully, I haven't booked 2 weeks holiday in Boston Lincolnshire.
This holiday was put together at the last minute or what I call the last minute, with only 8 weeks to plan everything that's about 40 weeks less than normal. We had been planning on going to Philadelphia, but events seemed to conspire against us at the last moment, most of this was due them filming the movie Creed in the city I think which pushed the price up of hotels to around £2,500, a price we are not prepared to pay when you also add in the silly amount they wanted for flights. We had planned on coming in 2019 so thought what the heck lets do it now.
I've spent some time on the website for our previous vacations and now, hopefully the clocks, weather widgets and links all work.

The taxi picked us up at 4:10am this morning for the hour or so ride to Heathrow. When I said an hour or so it turned out to be 65 minutes because if you drive like a lunatic you get here quicker, I think he didn't want to be doing this today, it's not like he's doing it for free.

7am beer o'clock
Our flight didn't leave until 9:40 but its a 3 hour check-in prior to leaving and I hate being on the last minute at the airport because we seem to always  go from a different terminal each time and you never know how long the walk will be, last time we went it was a 20 minute walk to get to the departure gate, that's why we take the wheely for Lady J.
We checked the bags in by 5:30 then headed off through the security check which went remarkably easy, normally it's a bit of a bun fight, perhaps it's just the time of day, but I didn't even go through the scanner, I must have an honest looking face.

It was time for a bacon roll at 6:30 which was yummy, for some unbeknown reason I can't seem to connect to the WiFi in the terminal, it worked last year, but today it's having none which makes writing this on my phone more difficult, oh well I'm sure I can manage which just a phone. 

I think we have been in terminal 3 before and it sucks, there are no windows that look out over the runway so you can't watch the planes taking off which is about the only interesting thing to do. I've often wondered if all these shops, they have in here ever made any money because you never see anybody buying anything from, most people are just killing time. 

It's 7 o'clock now, but feels much later, so I think I'm going to head into the pub for a beer or two as they don't put up the gate number until about 8:20.
Second beer over with now and the gate number has come up at 8:20 so let's hope this isn't a 3-mile hike across the airport. I have walked 6 miles in airports in one day on a previous trip.

08:53 and we are sitting on the plane after Lady J was picked for an extra groping prior to boarding which is something I've not seen before. Looks like this is a full flight as the one yesterday was cancelled for some reason. So my next post will be when we arrive in 7 to 8 hours. 


Time reaming to our first visit to Beantown. When the counter reaches zero, it will then show elapsed time.